Monday, 17 February 2025

Mapping Mountains – Significant Name Changes – 200m Twmpau

Bigni (SN 199 311) 

There has been a Significant Name Change to a hill that is listed in the 200m Twmpau, with the summit height, bwlch height and their locations, the drop and status of the hill derived from LIDAR analysis conducted by Myrddyn Phillips. 

LIDAR image of Bigni (SN 199 311)

The criteria for the list that this name change applies to are:

200m Twmpau - Welsh hills at or above 200m and below 300m in height that have 30m minimum drop, with an accompanying sub list entitled the 200m Sub-Twmpau, with the criteria for this sub category being all Welsh hills at or above 200m and below 300m in height with 20m or more and below 30m of drop.  The list is authored by Myrddyn Phillips, with the word Twmpau being an acronym standing for thirty welsh metre prominences and upward. 

200m Twmpau by Myrddyn Phillips

The hill is adjoined to the Mynydd Preseli group of hills, which are situated in the south-western part of South Wales (Region B, Sub-Region B1), and it is positioned with minor roads to its north, south and east, and the A478 road to its west, and has the village of Crymych towards the north-west.

When the original 200m height band of Welsh P30 hills were published on Geoff Crowder’s website, this hill was included in the main P30 list under the transposed name of Bryn-eithin, with an accompanying note stating; Name from building to the South.

Bryn-eithin263mSN19931114535Name from buildings to the South

During my early hill listing I thought it appropriate to either invent a name for a hill, or use a name that appeared near to the summit of the hill on Ordnance Survey maps of the day, with little consideration for the meaning of the name and where it was appropriately applied to.  My preference was to use farm names and put Pen, Bryn or Moel in front of them or as in this instance transpose a name of a farm and use it for that of the hill.  This is not a practice that I now advocate as with time and inclination place-name data can be improved either by asking local people or by examining historic documents, through this form of research an appropriate name for the hill can usually be found. 

Extract from the Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 Explorer map

Since the original publication of the Welsh P30 lists on Geoff Crowder’s website, there have been a number of maps made available online.  Some of these are historic such as the series of Six-Inch maps on the National Library of Scotland website.  Whilst others were digitally updated such as the Ordnance Survey Vector Map Local that was hosted on the Geograph website and which was entitled the Interactive Coverage Map, whilst others are current and digitally updated such as the interactive mapping on the Magic Maps and WalkLakes websites, and it is the series of Ordnance Survey Six-Inch maps that form the basis of the change in the listed name of this hill.

The Ordnance Survey series of Six-Inch maps formed the base map Ordnance Survey used for many decades leading to the production of the 1:10,000 Series of maps, both have now been superseded by the digitised Master Map.  The series of Six-Inch maps are excellent for name placement and especially so compared to the contemporary Ordnance Survey 1:25,000 Explorer map, and it is the series of Six-Inch maps that position the name of Begney adjacent to the summit of this hill.

Extract from the Ordnance Survey series of Six-Inch maps

The intricacies of language and prioritising one in favour of another for listing a hill is fraught with complication, with originating Cymraeg names being anglicised and also originating English names being cymricised, examples such as these are more common in border country and especially so for anglicised forms.  There is no steadfast rule that fits all, but as a standard a name that has its origins in the Welsh language and where this is substantiated by either historic documentation and/or contemporary usage should be prioritised in favour of a contemporary anglicised or English version of the name.  Likewise, if a name exists where an element of it is in English and if this name applies to a hill that is situated in a Welsh speaking part of Wales it is standard practice to use a full Welsh term for the name.  It is also standard practice to use a Welsh name for a hill if another name exists that has originated in a different language.  With online sources, including Coflein giving the alternate name of Bigni.

Therefore, the name this hill is now listed by in the 200m Twmpau is Bigni, and this was derived from the Ordnance Survey series of Six-Inch maps, with the language protocol also being used. 


The full details for the hill are:

Group:  Mynydd Preseli

Name:  Bigni

Previously Listed Name:  Bryn-eithin   

OS 1:50,000 map:  145

Summit Height:  262.9m (LIDAR) 

Summit Grid Reference:  SN 19911 31149 (LIDAR) 

Bwlch Height:  211.8m (LIDAR) 

Bwlch Grid Reference:  SN 19869 31901 (LIDAR) 

Drop:  51.1m (LIDAR) 


Myrddyn Phillips (February 2025)


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