Monday 16 February 2015

The Mountain - ITV Cymru Wales 16 Feb 8pm


A 6 x 24 minute series for ITV Wales filmed in 2014 for TX in early 2015

This series brings you a year in the life of Snowdon …capturing the beauty of 4 glorious seasons and the drama of real life stories.

Filmed through the four seasons – this is the life cycle of the men and women who are the guardians of this incredible mountain.

·         Rob Johnson - Llanberis Mountain Rescue Team
A professional Mountain Instructor and key member of the MRT.
GoPro footage “on board” will take the viewer with the Team onto the mountain – capturing the weather conditions and the element of danger and pulse racing excitement.  A balance of a multitude of story lines and portraits of characters – will showcase training and fund raising days and emphasize the educational elements of mountain safety.

·       Dewi Davies - Head Warden Snowdonia National Park - – a portrait of his work and the role of the National Park.

·    Steff Owen – Track Maintenance Foreman on Snowdon Mountain Railway – 3rd generation worker on the mountains main Tourist Attraction/ Business.

·         Helen Mai Jones – Gwastadanas Farm, Nant Gwynant. A young family of mountain sheep farmers and their battle to raise a family and earn a living on the mountain. Their farm land extends to the summit of Snowdon and takes in the rugged and breathtaking horse shoe.

·         Alwena  Jones – Half Way Café (1,870 ft) – Portrait of a family business earning a living half way up the Mountain.

These are epic stories from the edge of nature, from the edge of a world that is forever changing and forever interesting. Their tales reveal the mountains moods - that can be cruel, kind, beautiful, treacherous, magical, mysterious ......sometimes life forming....sometimes life threatening....

The beauty and danger of life on the busiest mountain in the world.

Background :

Slam Media Ltd is a boutique independent media production company with a
reputation for excellence in delivering;
·         Complex and ambitious Sports, Events & Reality programming
·         State of the art insightful Documentaries
·         Bespoke Corporate commissioned projects.

Created by award winning Producers Geraint Lewis & Aled Llŷr, Slam is a fully
fledged, technically equipped independent production company whose output can
be seen on BBC Network, BBC Wales, S4C, Sky, ESPN, Channel 4.

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