Wednesday 22 April 2015

Mapping Mountains – Trimble Surveys – Mynydd Twr

18.04.15  Mynydd Parys (SH 443 905)   

Mynydd Parys (SH 443 905)

Mynydd Parys stands in the north-east of Ynys Môn and south of the small community of Amlwch.  The hill has been mined extensively from the Roman age and particularly so in the late 18th century when the copper mine was the largest in the world.  This activity has left a ravaged landscape, but one of interest where the uprooted rock is now scattered and a multitude of colour adds surrealism to any visit.

The hill is easily accessible from a large pot-holed car park to the west of the summit.  From here a number of tracks head off.  I visited with my brother; Bryn, who due to a number of motorcycle accidents can no longer cope with the rigours of extended hill walks.  We chose the main track from the car park and gradually walked up into the colourful land of mine spoil and lake.  Spring gorse added a bright yellow intensity to the land with the ochre of rock being diffused by the overhead sun.

On the main track from the car park to the west of the hill's summit

Interspersed amongst the ochre is a subtle red, not as pre-dominant as its counterpart but nevertheless a rather welcome addition to the colour display.  All this was offset with a radiant blue sky that added depth.

We passed a number of lakes before looking down into a large quarried pit, all around were paths and tracks.  The summit area of the hill is easily found as the old stone tower is still standing where once it had sails attached to it as part of the mine workings. 

The three quarry lakes

The large quarried pit

Bryn heading toward the summit

There are now information boards in the stone tower telling the story of the mine, this was also a good place to shelter out of the brisk wind which had been blowing since we set off.

Artist's impression of the area of the summit when the mine was active

Just beyond the tower is the trig pillar which sits on a clear area of ground surrounded by heather and mine debris.  As Bryn remained by the stone tower I scampered around three or four potential highpoints, all relatively close to where the trig is positioned, I chose the one which I thought to be the highest and positioned the Trimble on its makeshift tripod to increase its height by 18cm so the copious amounts of heather would not submerge it and obstruct any satellite signals.

Gathering data at the summit of Mynydd Parys

Once five minutes of data were collected I re-joined Bryn, on our way down we explored the northerly part of the hill by taking a different route back to the car, the track weaved through the mine spoil as it headed down toward the B5111 which skirts this hill on its west. 

The summit area of Mynydd Parys

The walk had been a very enjoyable hour spent before the true rigours of the day started with a shop in Bangor Tescos! 

LIDAR image of Mynydd Parys

Since the Trimble GeoXH 6000 survey of this hill's summit was conducted, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) has become available and this has revolutionised the accuracy for both height and position of hills, and it is LIDAR that is now being prioritised for this hill. 

Survey Result:

Mynydd Parys 

Summit Height:  148.1m (LIDAR)

Summit Grid Reference:  SH 44268 90538 (LIDAR)

Bwlch Height:  78.9m (LIDAR)

Bwlch Grid Reference:  SH 46045 90623 (LIDAR)

Drop:  69.1m (LIDAR) 

Dominance:  46.69% (LIDAR)

For further details please consult the Trimble survey spreadsheet click {here}

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