Thursday 23 July 2015

Mapping Mountains – National Library of Wales (NLW)

The Mapping Mountains site is now archived at the National Library of Wales (NLW) as part of the UK Web Archive, which is a partnership between the National Library of Wales, the British Library, JISC, and the Wellcome Library.

The archived copy of this site will form part of the permanent collections at NLW, with the blog being identified as an important part of Wales’ documentary heritage and by archiving it; it will remain available to researchers in the future.

Since the Mapping Mountains site was made available to the public in late November 2013 I have spent a tremendous amount of time refining its content and trying to create a blog style that is accessible as well as informative.  To participate in such a venture is a privilege and makes all my hard work worthwhile, and to say that I’m pleased as well as proud is an understatement.

The blog will continue as it has over the last 20 months with new content planned, including the documentation of surveys conducted with the Trimble GeoXH 6000.  As well as being accessible via the web, the Mapping Mountains site is now also available via the permanent collections at the National Library of Wales.

There are a number of things that are on the Mapping Mountains blog that are joint copyright, and I would like to express my thanks to John Barnard, Graham Jackson and Aled Williams for giving their permission for these to be archived at the NLW.

Lastly I would like to express my thanks to the National Library of Wales and the other participating institutions in this venture.  The NLW is a resource that I have used on a number of occasions for research into place-names and into the history of both Welsh and Irish hill lists; it is a facility of national importance and is indispensable when researching subject matter within Wales.

The Mapping Mountains blog is listed at the National Library of Wales at, please click {here}

Part of the email which I received appears below:

Invitation to participate in the UK Web Archive

Dear Sir/Madam,

The National Library of Wales would like to invite you to participate in 
the UK Web Archive by archiving your web site 
(  The UK Web Archive is a 
partnership between the National Library of Wales, the British Library, 
JISC, and the Wellcome Library, to preserve website for future users. We 
have identified this web site as an important part of Wales’ documentary 
heritage and would like it to remain available to researchers in the 
future.  The archived copy of your web site will form part of our 
permanent collections.

There are some benefits to you in having your site archived by the UK 
Web Archive; We will not only take the necessary preservation action to 
keep your publication accessible as hardware and software changes over 
time but will also catalogue your publication through the websites of 
both the National Library of Wales ( and the UK Web 
Archive (, thereby increasing awareness of your 
publication among researchers.

Permission to archive pertains only to the site or sites specified in 
this letter and not to any other sites you may own, host, or administer. 
From the web site it appears that you are the copyright owner.  If you 
are not the copyright owner, or share the copyright with others, please 
pass this request on to them.

If you are happy for your site to be included in this Web Archive please 
complete the attached copyright licence form and return it to the above 
address.  For more information about Copyright, the UK Web Archive and 
how your archived web site will be made available please see the 
attached list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Alternatively, if you require any additional information, please do not 
hesitate to contact me….

Gwahoddiad i fod yn rhan o Archif We y DU

Annwyl Syr/Madam,

Hoffai Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru eich gwahodd i gymryd rhan yn Archif 
We y DU drwy archifo eich gwefan 
( Mae Archif We y DU yn 
bartneriaeth rhwng Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru y Llyfrgell Brydeinig, 
JISC, a Llyfrgell Wellcome i ddiogelu gwefannau ar gyfer defnyddwyr y 
dyfodol.  Rydyn ni wedi nodi’r wefan hon fel rhan bwysig o etifeddiaeth 
ddogfennol Cymru a hoffen iddi barhau i fod ar gael i ymchwilwyr yn y 
dyfodol. Bydd y copi o’ch gwefan a archifir yn dod yn rhan o’n 
casgliadau parhaol.

Bydd rhai manteision yn deillio i chi o gael eich gwefan wedi ei 
harchifo gan y Llyfrgell:  Byddwn nid yn unig yn cymryd y camau 
cadwedigaethol angenrheidiol i sicrhau bod eich cyhoeddiad ar gael fel y 
mae caledwedd a meddalwedd yn newid dros amser ond byddwn hefyd yn 
catalogio eich cyhoeddiad drwy wefannau Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru 
( ac Archifo We y DU (, a thrwy 
hynny yn cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth o’ch cyhoeddiad ymhlith ymchwilwyr.

Dim ond i’r wefan neu’r gwefannau a nodir yn y llythyr hwn y mae’r 
caniatâd i archifo yn berthnasol ac nid i unrhyw wefannau eraill rydych 
chi’n eu meddu, yn eu cynnal neu yn eu gweinyddu.  A barnu oddi wrth y 
wefan, mae’n ymddangos mai chi yw perchen yr hawlfraint.  Os nad chi yw 
perchen yr hawlfraint, neu os ydych yn rhannu’r hawlfraint gydag eraill, 
anfonwch y cais hwn ymlaen iddynt, os gwelwch yn dda.

Os ydych chi’n fodlon i’ch gwefan gael ei chynnwys yn Archif We y DU hon 
cwblhewch y ffurflen drwyddedu amgaeedig a’i dychwelyd i’r cyfeiriad 
uchod.  Er mwyn cael rhagor o wybodaeth am Hawlfraint, Archif We y DU a 
sut y bydd eich gwefan archifedig yn cael ei gwneud yn hygyrch, gweler y 
rhestr amgaeedig o Gwestiynau Cyffredin.

Neu, os oes arnoch angen unrhyw wybodaeth ychwanegol, mae pob croeso i 
chi gysylltu â mi.

Llawer o ddiolch,

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