Monday 13 July 2015

Mapping Mountains – Summit Relocations – Y Pedwarau

Pt. 417.6m (SJ 214 396)

There has been a Summit Relocations to the Y Pedwarau list initiated by a survey with the Trimble GeoXH 6000, with the following details being retrospective as the survey that resulted in this summit relocation was conducted on 26th June 2015.  With the Y Pedwarau being the 400m hills of Wales that have a minimum drop of 30m.

The survey was conducted in the north-eastern part of the Y Berwyn during an evening walk in the company of Mark Trengove.  The hill is situated with the town of Llangollen to its north and for those wishing to visit it can be quickly accessed from its south where a minor road follows the west – east direction of the ridge that the summit of the hill is situated on.

The hill is listed as a Pedwar with its summit position previously given as SJ 217 396 which is the approximate position of the 416m spot height that appears on the Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 Landranger map.  However, during the visit we visually determined that a point approximately 200 metres to the east of where the 416m spot height would appear on the ground was in fact higher.

The hill is unnamed on current Ordnance Survey maps and it is being listed under the point (Pt. 417.6m) notation.  Since publication of the 1st edition of the Y Pedwarau by Europeaklist the continuing place-name research has found a name for this hill that appeared on an old map, this name will be used in the 2nd edition of Y Pedwarau planned for publication by Europeaklist.

The high point surveyed with the Trimble GeoXH 6000 has no spot height on any map but this position was found to be 1.6m higher that the 416m spot height previously mentioned.

The full details for the hill are:

Cardinal Hill:  Craig Berwyn

Summit Height:  417.6m (converted to OSGM15)

Name:  Pt. 417.6m

OS 1:50,000 map:  126

Summit Grid Reference (New Position):  SJ 21464 39666
Drop:  31.9m (converted to OSGM15)

The Trimble GeoXH 6000 gathering data at the new summit position of Pt. 417.6m, with the old position of the summit behind the tree on the left of the photo

For details on the survey that relocated the summit of this hill please click {here}

Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams (June 2015)

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