Wednesday 26 August 2015

Mapping Mountains – Trimble Surveys – Carnedd Wen

07.08.15  Yr Allt (SJ 242 100)  

Yr Allt (SJ 242 100)

The start of a two day bagging extravaganza with Alex Cameron, with the first day a very leisurely affair and with tomorrow planned as a multi bagging day.  I met Alex at Welshpool Railway Station and after dropping off his stuff at my bungalow we headed toward the canal tow path which is adjacent to where I live.

Our hill for the day was Yr Allt which is listed as a Hump and 200m Twmpau, the last time I had visited this hill was in December of last year when the sky was blue and an early morning chill pervaded the land, today the summer growth had changed the landscape and the greens predominated.

As we walked briskly on the tow path a mother Morehen and accompanying chick stood on a small reed bed that floated on the canal water with their reflections caught below. 

Mother and chick on a small reed bed

Only an occasional glimpse of our objective could be seen as it was mainly shielded from view by copious amounts of summer vegetation, which is now almost at its limit of growth.  This often amazes me in a similar way to the rusted and yellowed colour of moor grass in the Autumn time, as just when you think the colour cannot get any more radiant it continues to aflame and intensify, and now as summer ebbs into its lateness, the growth still amazes as it cascades from hedgerows and gardens and continues to do so even when one thinks it is at its limit.

As we continued on the tow path a kayak passed with a man and woman making swathes in the water with their oars, a fleeting glimpse of movement on an otherwise becalmed land as both water and air were tranquilly silent this morning.

A peaceful way to spend a day

By now the conversation flowed with all manner of hilly related subjects being talked about, and as we neared the Pool Quay Lock we now had a choice of route, either past Dyers Farm which is the way I normally head when on this walk, or continue north and aim for a friend’s house to see if we could sit, rest and have a cuppa, we decided on the latter and walked over a small footbridge to the opposite side of the canal and then over fields toward the Coppice Lane.

Nearing the Pool Quay Lock

Across the Severn Valley the Breiddin stood aloof with their distinctive profile dominating the flatlands of the flood plain, its dulled greens of trees set against the illuminated greens of pasture, reed and hedgerow, all succulently ablaze with growth.

Moel y Golfa, aloof above the flood plain

Our onward route took us through a field of maize which stood tall and overshadowed our progress.  As we approached my friend’s house I wondered if anyone would be in, I knocked the door and Ffion skipped through the kitchen and opened it, it was lovely to see her and especially so when she invited us in and asked if we would like a cup of tea.

Through the field of maize

Ffion is one of two daughters of Geraint and Verity, I’ve known Geraint most of my life but we now only occasionally see one another.  We sat and chatted and caught up with news and all too soon it was time to press on toward the top of the Coppice Lane.

Ffion gave us a lovely welcome

Toward the top of this lane is Coppice East Farm, where I used to live many a year ago.  As we approached we met the present occupant who we stopped and chatted to, it wasn’t the first time this had happened, as I’d stopped for a chat when doing this walk and visiting the top of Yr Allt with Mark Trengove a couple of years ago.

Plaque on the side of Coppice East Farm

Coppice East Farm

Our walk was now getting seriously leisurely as this chat continued for quite some time and continued to do so when her husband joined us.  After about 15 minutes Alex and I said our goodbye’s and headed up the track past the Gamekeeper’s House, beyond is a footpath which gives access onto the upper part of the hill.

As we approached this hill’s trig pillar the view opened out and once the customary photos were taken we sat in the sun, ate a butty and chatted.  This trig pillar is not positioned on the high point of Yr Allt, this is situated across an intervening dip of land adjacent to the Allt Wood.

The trig pillar with the Breiddin in the background

The land at the top of the hill has two distinct possibilities for the accolade of the very highest point, I couldn’t remember which one I had Trimbled on my last visit, but once the two of us had crept around with our chins almost on the ground assessing the lay of land we decided where the Trimble should be set up and it subsequently gathered five minutes of data.

Gathering data from the summit of Yr Allt

All that remained was a leisurely stroll down the hill passing a grazing flock of sheep and coming across a large mushroom that resembled the face of an owl.  As we reached the Rhallt Lane we followed it down to the canal and walked back on the tow path toward Weshpool.

Just turned out onto the hill

Mushroom as Owl, with the nose cone added by Alex

The ascent to the summit of Yr Allt had taken five hours, whilst its descent just over one hour, Alex commented that if all his walks were this leisurely his Tump totals would start to stagnate!

Survey Result:

Yr Allt

Summit Height:  231.3m (converted to OSGM15, Trimble GeoXH 6000)

Summit Grid Reference:  SJ 24240 10005 (Trimble GeoXH 6000)

Bwlch Height:  125.9m (LIDAR)
Bwlch Grid Reference:  SJ 21855 08773 (LIDAR)

Drop:  105.4m (Trimble GeoXH 6000 summit and LIDAR bwlch)

Dominance:  45.57%  (Trimble GeoXH 6000 summit and LIDAR bwlch)


For details on the first Trimble GeoXH 6000 summit survey of Yr Allt

For details on the Trimble GeoXH 6000 bwlch survey of Yr Allt

For details on a third visit to the summit of Yr Allt

For details on a fourth visit to the summit of Yr Allt

For details on a fifth visit to the summit of Yr Allt

For further details please consult the Trimble survey spreadsheet click {here}

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