Friday 11 September 2015

G&J Surveys - Munro Tops list amended - The Times

The Times have published an article today about our recent surveys of Creag na Caillich and Mullach Coire nan Cisteachan, both hills had been previously surveyed by Alan Dawson with his Leica RX1250 and credit is given as it was Alan who found that the former was just below 3,000ft in height and the latter just above 3,000ft in height. 

We submitted the two hour data gathered at each summit to Ordnance Survey, who have accepted the results and will update maps accordingly.  As a result the Scottish Mountaineering Club has amended the list of Munro Tops and included Mullach Coire nan Cisteachan and excluded Creag na Caillich.  Therefore the listing of Munro Tops is amended but the totals remain the same!

Fresh off the press - today's copy of The Times

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