Sunday 6 September 2015

Mapping Mountains – Hill Reclassifications – Y Pedwarau

Bryn Serth (SO 148 109) - Pedwar reclassified to 400m Sub-Pedwar  

There has been another reclassification of a Pedwar to a 400m Sub-Pedwar through surveying with the Trimble GeoXH 6000 and which was subsequently confirmed via LIDAR analysis, with the latter conducted by Aled Williams.   The hill is situated in the South Wales Cymoedd Gwent range of hills, and is positioned on the northern outskirts of Tredegar beside the A4047 at the head of the Cwm Sirhywi (Sirhowey Valley).

The hill is named Bryn Serth (SO 147 109) and it is given c 34m of drop in the 1st edition of the Y Pedwarau published by Europeaklist.  This drop figure is based on an estimated c 410m summit height which has a small 410m uppermost contour ring and an estimated bwlch height of c 376m.  The area of the bwlch has a 376m spot height on contemporary Ordnance Survey maps but its position was judged not to be at the critical bwlch.

The hill was surveyed in the company of Mark Trengove who had suggested the walk and muttered disillusionment when told that the hill was no longer a Pedwar due to the survey that had taken place, as it brings his total of Pedwarau bagged in Section 32C back down to zero!

This now brings the overall total for the Y Pedwarau to 449 hills with five additions and three deletions since publication of the list by Europeaklist in May 2013.  The hill will be taken out of the main list and added to the 400m Sub-Pedwar list in the 2nd edition planned for publication by Europeaklist.  The list of Pedwar hills is also available from the Haroldstreet website.

The full details for the hill are:

Group:  Cymoedd Gwent

Summit Height:  404.0m (LIDAR)

Name:  Bryn Serth

OS 1:50,000 map:  161

Summit Grid Reference:  SO 14807 10929 (LIDAR)

Drop:  25.8m (LIDAR)

The list of additions and deletions from the main Pedwar list since the 1st edition of Y Pedwarau was published by Europeaklist are as follows:



Bryn Serth (SO 148 109) now reclassified from Pedwar to 400m Sub-Pedwar status

For details on the survey that reclassified this hill from Pedwar to 400m Sub-Pedwar status please click {here}

Myrddyn Phillips and Aled Williams (August 2015)

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