Monday 5 October 2015

Mapping Mountains – Trimble Surveys – Yr Eifl

19.04.15  Ynys Tudwal Fawr (SH 334 251)

Ynyd Tudwal Fawr (SH 334 251)

Having visited Ynys Tudwal Fach and clambered safely back on the Rib we slowly roared across the intervening water and headed for the adjacent and higher island.  Permission to visit this island had been sought from and given by the landowner, the planning required to organise these island trips should not be underestimated and their continued success and great days out are due to Adrian’s diplomacy.

With concrete steps forming a landing platform on this second island the depositing onto ‘dry land’ should have been easier than that on Ynys Tudwal Fach, but again, these steps were positioned on the east of the island, sheltered from the western wind that predominantly blows in these isles, but today we had an easterly and as we were slowly maneuvered into place the boatman instructed us that when he said that we should ‘go’ we should not hesitate.  Alex went first and landed safely, I went next and timed by lunge for when the sea swell brought the Rib straight upto the steps, thankfully Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me ashore, otherwise I may have been left in mid-air without the comfort of the safety of the Rib or concrete steps to remain relatively dry on.

Adrian soon followed and as he and Alex remained on the steps to assist John and Marian, who the boatman had gone back to pick up from Ynys Tudwal Fach, I followed a vehicle track from the steps up the grassed slopes of the island.

Alex and Adrian safely on dry land on Ynys Tudwal Fawr

Looking down onto our landing spot with Ynys Tudwal Fach in the background

Across the sea our previous island stood elongated in profile with the outline of the standing stones prominent on its horizon.  Below the island was our Rib which was being expertly directed toward the small sheltered cove to pick John and Marian up and bring them over to where we now were.

The rib below the stone circle on Ynys Tudwal Fach

As John and Marian joined Alex and Adrian on the safety of the concrete steps I slowly walked up toward the lighthouse which is at the summit of the island, and savoured the stunning blue sky and the ever present wind-blown gliding capabilities of the overhead gulls.

With John and Marian safely on the RIB it headed toward Ynys Tudwal Fawr

The RIB being positioned for the second landing

Ever present companions - Gull in flight

Heading toward the Lighthouse and compound at the summit of Ynys Tudwal Fawr

Wind blown grass set against Ynys Tudwal Fach and the higher Eryri peaks beyond

I walked around the perimeter wall of the lighthouse and over a ladder stile into its compound, where the highest ground is easily found.  As the Trimble was being positioned Adrian, Alex, John and Marian joined me for us to quickly investigate the outdoor hot tub and take in our surroundings.

Adrian does the honours as Marian and John pose for the customary summit photograph

Time spent on these islands are all too short and as the boatman headed back toward the steps John and Marian headed down with Adrian who could assist their departure if required.  This left the Trimble to slowly ebb down to its required 0.1m accuracy before data can be logged.

Gathering data at the summit of Ynys Tudwal Fawr

Alex waiting patiently beside the Lighthouse as the Trimble collects its allotted five minutes of data

Once data were collected I sauntered down the vehicle track with Alex and met Adrian as he was heading back up.  I’d seen Adrian’s low-key celebratory relief earlier in the day as he had succeeded in getting permission to visit these islands and had then organised a multitude of logistics for us to visit, I asked if he would pose for a celebratory photo, he duly obliged.

Adrian on his way back up the vehicle track

A deserving celebration as Adrian had pulled off another logistical coup

Whilst we were on the island the boatman had taken John and Marian back to the mainland and picked up Alan, George, Rob, Doug and Paul, who were now all in the Rib as it approached the landing platform and the concrete steps.

(L-R) Alan, Doug, George, Rob and Paul getting set for their landing

Maneuvering into position

Rob went first and was assisted by Alex, with Doug and Alan soon following, once all five were on the island the three of us got back in the Rib.  By now by belly flop entrance had been honed and I really went for it this time and dived from the steps head first into the Rib!

Rob being manhandled ashore

Alan is next with able assistance from Alex

We were dropped off on the wooden slatted slipway and as soon as I landed I found myself on all fours and soaked at the sea swell came up from under the boards.  We waited for the five others as the wind and sun dried off all my gear. 

Alex went down to meet them on the slipway as Doug also got a good drenching as he walked up the wooden boards as the swell came up from behind and soaked him.

Doug's just had a good soaking

As the sun shone we sat and chatted with the sands and wooden beach huts of Abersoch just below us.  It had been another great day on two beautiful islands.

Abersoch beach

Alex, Doug, Adrian and Alan after another great island trip

Back on dry land - organiser extraordinaire and our RIB Captain for the day

Survey Result:

Ynys Tudwal Fawr

Summit Height:  43.2m (converted to OSGM15)

Summit Grid Reference:  SH 33490 25173

Bwlch Height:  N/S (sea)

Bwlch Grid Reference:  N/A (sea)

Drop:  43.2m (converted to OSGM15)

Dominance:  100.00%

For further details please consult the Trimble survey spreadsheet click {here}


  1. Thanks for posting this Myrddyn. That whole weekend was just magical. Tump bagging alongside Adrian during Saturday, with a stunning twilight experience closing the day out at The Sun Inn, Llanengan. And then the two Tudwal's. Both of which I never seriously thought I had any chance of stepping foot upon. Through it all as well the best views I've ever had looking out from the Lleyn. The majestic sweep of Cardigan Bay, bringing hill after rolling hill, comfortably seen stretching southward as far Strumble Head. It was the clarity of the light and vivid distinction of landscape features twenty miles and more away which really made those island panoramas so memorable.

    Certainly ranks as one of the best trips of this year, and recent years past, without a doubt.


  2. Thanks for your comment Alex. The island trips are proving memorable as they are not like hills, which can usually be re-visited easily, these little beasties must take a lot of behind the scenes diplomacy and planning on Adrian's part. My favourite so far has been the visit to Ynysoedd y Moelrhoniaid, such a magical place.
