Wednesday 11 November 2015

ARD film available on-line

Toward the end of July of this year G&J Surveys joined members of The Munro Society in Scotland to film scenes with a German production company named ARD (full name:  Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland).  ARD wanted to film scenes relating to Munros which would form part of a programme on Scotland which is due to be broadcast this month (November). 

This film is now available on-line and our part in it takes up approximately 3 mins 30 secs.  The link to the film appears below with the sequence relating to the Munros being from 5 min 10 sec – 8 min 42 sec.  The link relating to the blog post detailing the day’s filming also appears below.

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