Saturday 20 February 2016

Mapping Mountains – Trimble Surveys – Mynydd Hiraethog

10.02.16  Mwdwl Eithin (SH 829 682)  

The summit of Mwdwl Eithin (SH 829 682)

Having visited Ffridd Uchaf (SH 864 606), Foelas Fechan (SH 854 596) and Moel Maelogen (SH 848 613) I had a spare hour before a prearranged appointment in St Asaph, and as I arrived back at my car after descending from the summit of Moel Maelogen I examined the map and picked Mwdwl Eithin as a likely candidate for a quick visit, and at a map height of 389m adjoined to its summit trig pillar, it also had an outside chance of being elevated to the 390m Sub-Pedwar ranks.

I parked on the edge of the B 5113 beside a sheepfold and walked a short distance back down the road to a gate which gave access into a rising field, as this land is not a part of open access I put my head down and walked as quickly as I could up the field adjacent to a fence until out of sight of the road.

Once safe from any onlookers I headed through a small water trench to a gate which was festooned with barbed wire, I quickly clambered over and marched further up the field until the remains of the first of this hills two Tumuli came into view.  Beyond was a fence junction, and further still was the high point of the hill, which constitutes a large ancient Tumulus with a trig pillar perched at its top.

As I set the Trimble to gather data the sun broke through a cloud bank to the west which was hugging the summits of the higher Eryri peaks, light cascaded down on to the wet surrounds with shadows now elongated as the afternoon was drawing out toward early evening. 

Gathering data at the summit of Mwdwl Eithin

The last hour of a winter's day giving striking light over Mwdwl Eithin

Once five minutes of data were collected from the summit I waded back through the water laden field to a lower point between the two Tumuli and gathered another five minutes of data.  The low sun was still illuminating the land and adding interest to the puddles of water on the field, and I stood taking a number of photographs with a darkening sky overhead and sunbursts picking out patches of water with their customary silvery sheen.

Gathering data from the second but lower high point with the summit of Mwdwl Eithin in the background

Looking beyond the second and lower high point to the remains of one of two Tumuli on the summit area of Mwdwl Eithin

Gathering data from the second and lower high point with the summit of Mwdwl Eithin in the background

All that remained was to pack the Trimble away, scamper back down the field to my waiting car and change out of my partly wet and muddy clothes into something resembling dry comfort and head toward my appointment in St Asaph.

Survey Result:

Mwdwl Eithin

Summit Height:  389.0m (converted to OSGM15, Trimble GeoXH 6000)

Summit Grid Reference:  SH 82902 68283 (Trimble GeoXH 6000)

Bwlch Height:  c 253m (interpolation)

Bwlch Grid Reference:  SH 86144 70724 (interpolation)

Drop:  c 136m (Trimble GeoXH 6000 summit and interpolated bwlch)

Dominance:  34.96% (Trimble GeoXH 6000 summit and interpolated bwlch)

For further details please consult the Trimble survey spreadsheet click {here}

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