Sunday, 29 December 2019

Y Pedwarau – The 400m Hills of Wales

Y Pedwarau – The 400m Hills of Wales

Haroldstreet Publication

During the latter part of 2019 we have reviewed the Y Pedwarau – The 400m Hills of Wales and updated the list with numerical data produced by LIDAR analysis and surveying with the Trimble GeoXH 6000.

The review also included re-examining the names of the hills with many updates now included within the list, both for their composition and their actual name.

Whilst reviewing the numerical data the hills listed by interpolated height and drop were also examined against the 5m contouring on the OS Maps website; this resulted in many numerical changes and some reclassifications.

This review has resulted in reclassifications to and from the main P30 list of Pedwar hills and additions and deletions to and from the accompanying sub lists.

The updated list is now available as an online tick list on the Haroldstreet website and we thank Phil Newby for hosting the Y Pedwarau – The 400m Hills of Wales.

The totals for each category and links to the Haroldstreet publication appear below:

Aled Williams and Myrddyn Phillips (December 2019)    

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